A little over a year ago one Saturday night my wife said to me, 'I think we are suppose to own a campground or something in the hospitality business." This is something we have never discussed, I've had fleeting thoughts about it, but nothing serious. But she said to me so seriously, I was just like 'Oh, and why is that?" and so she shared with me her vision for hospitality. At the end of the discussion, I thought it was a great idea but it was absolutely no way possible for where we were at in life. So I left it in my thoughts as. 'Well if its suppose to happen, God will have to make it happen." Now being religious myself, I should be careful with those kinds of thoughts...
Well the next morning at church a friend of mine, Paul a real estate investor, says to me, 'Did you hear what your dad and I did on Friday?" and I said "No, what did you guys do?" He says, "We went and looked at a campground to buy".. and I was like "shut up... my wife just told me last night she thinks we should own a campground..."So we started discussing it more..
The problem at the time I was having though, was I wanted a campground in Winona, I wanted a campground near Pleasant Valley Church (where I work full time), and I really wanted a water feature..
Well guess what popped up on the market, Pla-Mor Campground... Literally 6 miles down the road on Highway 61 from Pleasant Valley Church. I could still work at Pleasant Valley and at the campground.. It's in Winona.. and although it doesn't have a direct water feature, the Mississippi is located right across the street.
So a little over a year later, October 23, we closed on Pla-Mor Campground and we couldn't be more excited about what the future holds. We love how cozy it feels, the trees, how it is out of town yet close enough if you need to get anything. We love that we have a bluff view over the Mississippi. There's even a small creek that runs through the middle of the campground.
One of the unfortunate things we found when talking to people is that they've forgotten about this campground. Often saying things like, 'Oh yeah, I use to camp there when I was a kid,' or 'Isn't that the KOA?" This campground hasn't been a KOA in over 15 years but yet Winona residents still associated it as one. This campground has been forgotten by Winona, so we'd like to make our name known again. We'd like to be a prominent part of Winona culture. We love the beauty of Winona, we love it's deep association with the arts and music, with being outdoors, so we think we can help support and be apart of that Winona Culture.
We're looking forward to what the next 15 years will be like!
Stay tunned for why we renamed Pla-Mor Campground to 'Camp Everyday.'